Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Future is Bright; The Future is Coffee

26 Days later after sailing from the port of Mombasa Kenya, the vessel carrying our coffee from Barichu Cooperative finally docks at the Port of Bremen, Germany.
Bremen is a commercial and industrial city with a major port on River Weser.

The vessel is carryin a 20ft container load of coffee from the amazing comunity of Karindundu in Karatina Nyeri.
A group of amazing farmers who have dedicated their lives to give 'a shot' again to the coffee industry in a hope that this time, yes this time coffee farming wil thrive like how other businesses do, this time they wil make amends meet, this time their children will go to school without a worry in the world, this time they will be able to afford 'Nyama Choma at least once a month and not having to wait till Christmas....this time there is hope...

This coffee is a Project between Chania Coffee and an Amazing lady, Nicole Boedtger of Sandtorkai Handel -an amazing person who believed in us from our first meeting. We will forever be grateful for  her Partnership and the believe in us and my people....Nicole has brought hope to the people of Karindundu; she has shown to the world and especially to the German coffee market that everything is possible...

Tommorow we head to the Port of Bremen...

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